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Concerned you won't get the most out of your Product Life Cycle? This series of papers describes the product life cycle structure and extensions to customer service and innovation. A workshop helps an organization understand, monitor & foster their product life cycles.
The Product Life Cycle: Here's the structure of product market growth and decline. (200K)
The Customer Service Peril : ItÂ’s easy to get caught with declining customer service and the impact can be great. (634K)
The Diffusion of Innovation : Here's a product life cycle example, an extension for the diffusion of medical technology innovations : (69K)
Also on Innovation:
Why innovation alone isn't enough See Section 3 of A Systems Thinking Perspective on a Manufacturing Base Restoration Initiative, June 14, 2002 (revised 7/23/02) 869K on "Why innovation alone isn't enough: Profiting from Technological Innovation" and A presentation on a few of the points in this paper: "Using Systems Thinking to Profit from Innovation - Selecting the Best Ideas / Managing for long-term Success" at The Colorado Innovation Summit, Cable Center, DU Campus, July 18, 2003 Profiting Points Covered:
What is Systems Thinking l PP #1: Use It! Selecting the Best Ideas l PP #2: Align Innovation with Strategy Innovation l PP #3: Prepare to Shift from Integration to Modularization Prospering in the Pre-Paradigmatic Phase l PP #4: Allow Designs to Adapt until Standards Emerge Prospering in the Paradigmatic Phase l PP #5: Focus R&D on Protectable Innovation l PP #6: If Not Protectable, Own Needed Specialized Assets
Surviving Disruptive Technologies Surviving Disruptive Technologies and Thriving with Practical Systems Thinking: Systems thinking helps us understand why disruptive technologies have caused many of history's best companies to plunge into crisis and fail ... and what to do to prevent it. This is an example of "shifting loop dominance". Key pages from a presentation to the Rocky Mountain Product Development & Management Assoc [PDMA], April 16, 2003.
URL: http://www.exponentialimprovement.com/cms/prodlifecycle.shtml
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