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Labor Market Economics
by Bob Powell, 11/28/94
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Report for The Greater Colorado Springs Economic Development Corporation Workforce Study Group on Labor Market Economics, 11/28/94 (221K) Link

This 1994 report reviews issues of job elimination, unemployment, wage trends, causes of job losses and unemployment, workplace trends, how to encourage industry and job growth, influencing regional growth, and supporting network formation and information flows. The summary lists 9 actions to improve the functioning of the labor market.

In evaluating Labor Market Economics relative to Colorado Springs, it quickly became apparent that Colorado Springs must work within a national and world context to optimize local labor market operation. It also became apparent that targeted training, network support, improved counseling, or any other component of proposed solution will be incomplete if quality jobs are not available. 

Note: Skimming the Table of Contents of this somewhat lengthy report can help a reader zero in on areas of interest without reading all the detailed backup information.

URL: http://www.exponentialimprovement.com/cms/labmkt.shtml

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