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Trump/Republicans: Worse Than 9/11
Do you recall 9/11? The feelings of dread ... of terror of being in one of those jets about to hit a tower? I do. Yes, for me this is worse. "Conservative" denial of Global Warming is an existential threat to life on earth. I describe 8 reasons for this denial. Were I a better person, I would say "forgive them, for they know not what they do". But they are so damned dedicated to not knowing that I cannot. Gravity is only a theory -- a unified theory of forces isn't "settled science" -- but we know what happens when we jump off a cliff: we die. Global Warming is also only a theory, but it's settled enough to know, not exact temperature predictions, but what's happening because we're jumping off that cliff.The Trump/Republican Party is the most dangerous organization in human history, because it is all in for racing over the Global Warming cliff. This is malevolence on a planetary scale. No, I'm not exaggerating.

The Physics of Global Warming

This article describes The Physics of the System relative to Global Warming. Even though exact modeling of the climate for past and future average global temperature is enormously complicated, the physics, the facts, and what they mean are not.

One does not have to be a rocket surgeon to understand this. The facts and their implications are not up for negotiation. "Physics does not negotiate! Physics just does."

Let me be clear, this is an existential threat to life on earth. Please, pay attention and stop denying reality. Some against abortion of fetuses say that's "child murder", yet they are quite willing to vote for Trump/Republicans who deny this threat to all life on earth.

In 2001, Ron Suskind wrote in The One Percent Doctrine, Vice-President Dick Cheney announced that if there was "a one percent chance" that a threat was real "we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response." Cheney added, "It's not about our analysis, or finding a preponderance of evidence." If "conservatives" believe that about attacking other nations, why do they quibble over whether it's 97% certain that life on earth is threatened by global warming?

Trump/Republicans are a clear and present danger to all life on earth. This is the ultimate in evil.

I will not be around for the most disastrous consequences, so this will not affect me personally. I do not have children, but those who do and don't take this seriously are condemning them to a dystopian future in which billions of humans will die and countless species will go extinct.

Trump-Republican Trade Treachery
Trump is correct that NAFTA is a disaster. But he states a misleading fact in order to lie about who's primarily responsible. Don't be fooled; that's Republicans by far. Regardless of Trump's stated opposition to win votes, the Republican Party has been, and is, all in for the "trade" agreement betrayals of the U.S. economy and U.S. sovereignty. Those who tell you otherwise are lying. Those opposed to "trade" agreements like NAFTA and TPP should vote against Republicans. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against them and against the presidents of their own party.
The votes on NAFTA and TPP put Hillary Clinton in a tight spot. She can't admit that the Republican Party is the major support for these disastrous "trade" agreements. That's because both Bill Clinton and Obama colluded with Republicans against majority Democratic opposition to get NAFTA and TPP Fast Track approved.

Tax Expenditure Entitlements
Mick Mulvaney, Trump's Director of the OMB (Office of Management and Budget), says Republicans want more "compassion" for wealthy taxpayers instead of compassion for those who in poverty, homeless, and sick. The Republican mantra is that those are the "takers". Mulvaney said, "you have to have compassion for the folks who are paying" taxes.
This article documents that the U.S. has enormous "compassion" for the wealthy by letting them not pay much of what they'd otherwise pay in taxes. It reveals them to be the "takers" and that the "culture of dependency" is for the wealthy.
Much of what we're told about government spending, debt, and worker pay are lies. The problem, Republicans say, is "entitlements" like Social Security and Medicare that are going broke. The truth is that these programs are in surplus and have been paid for by those who receive them.
What's not in surplus is Discretionary Spending. That's because of tax cuts for the wealthy and enormous Tax Expenditures (Tax Breaks) that primarily go to the most wealthy. Tax Breaks for the top 20% are greater than Military Spending, which is over half of U.S. Discretionary Spending. One-sixth of all Tax Expenditures go to the top 1%: that's 2.7X SNAP benefits.
Therefore, the problem is obviously not food stamps or Meals on Wheels or NPR/PBS. The problem isn't too high taxes; it's Tax Breaks. Tax Loopholes so large that the Loopholes are Bigger than the Loop. We need "Tax Break Resistance", not "Tax Resistance".
People are not "Taxed Enough Already"; they're "Paid Too Damn Little" because compensation has been flat for about four decades because of policies that rig the U.S. economic system against those who work for a wage.

Colorado Springs is Doomed!

Global Warming Denial: A Case Study
The facts about a global-warming-denier meme that lies about what Gore has said and about the reality of the loss of ice at the Arctic ice cap. The dedication to what's factually incorrect is amazing.

Global Warming: An Inconvenient-to-Understand Truth
Global warming is a major problem that we must address. This is a draft of a commentary on the issue from a systems thinking perspective. The referenced paper from MIT explains the flawed nature of public understanding of the problem. A second commentary responds to a libertarian column denying there's a problem and explains why George Bush's "Clear Skies" program is more aptly titled, "Cloudy Skies.

"Since writing this I've added a large number of links to articles showing global warming is real, it's not slowing, and humans are causing it.

Government Greed?
This article explains how greatly a current meme about "government greed" and Bernie Sanders blatantly distorts the truth about greed and inequality. As does the media.

The "Free Market" & "Free Trade" Fail
There's a parallel between ruinous "free trade" and the grave problems inherent in the unregulated "free market". Addressing each of individual problems associated with them in a piecemeal fashion is doomed to failure. Trying requires political and economic battles with every special interest on earth, which fight all forms of regulation to the death. What's required? Fundamental systemic change. In the case of "free trade," create "balanced trade." In the case of the "free market," create an economic system that works for everyone to prevent systemic failure and a system that internalizes costs to prevent "socializing costs & privatizing profits".

Global Warming: The Carbon Bathtub
Presentation (3 minutes) on global warming to the Colorado Springs Utilities Board on 4/22/15 (Earth Day). It explains the physics of the system: why global warming is happening, why humans are causing it, and why stopping the increase in emissions is not enough ... we must cut them in half. And it addresses common false objections to addressing the problem.

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